Giving Back
VIOLA ROUGE was founded on a commitment to giving back. Whether it’s the planet, people, or animals, we believe that everything is connected, and it’s the responsibility of companies (including ours) to do their part in protecting the planet and supporting those who are underserved or at-risk.
One Tree Planted
Trees clean our air and water, provide essential habitats for more than 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, contribute to our personal health and wellbeing by absorbing harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and provide jobs for more than 1.6 billion people for social impact. Trees are much more than a plant — they are the livelihood of all we cherish on this planet.
We’re honored to support and to partner with One Tree Planted in their global reforestation program. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the One Tree Planted mission is to reforest and revitalize the planet, one tree at a time. The organization also raises awareness about the importance of trees, offers businesses like ours a simple yet significant sustainability solution, and motivates younger generations to make positive choices that benefit and preserve the natural environment.
One Tree Planted has established international reforestation initiatives throughout North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
To support their efforts in environmental sustainability, for every 20 products sold, Viola Rouge vows to plant a tree in whichever country needs support the most. To learn more and to support the One Tree Planted mission, please visit their website at
This is just the beginning . . .
We are constantly evaluating other organizations to support and collaborate with in their charitable causes, environmental efforts, cause-driven campaigns. We will be announcing these new partnerships on an ongoing basis as they are selected. If you are a nonprofit interested in working with VIOLA ROUGE, please contact us directly today.